I've been around church leaders my whole life. Literally...my...whole...life. My Dad's a pastor, my uncles are all Music guys in churches, my grandfather was an education minister. I've been around it a long time. I majored in Pastoral Ministry in college. Not because I want to be a pastor, but because I want to know what that means and apply that to whatever ministry I serve in, you know?
So I've been in and studied church ministry for a while now. ..well...as long as my 28 years has allowed. So I pose the question. Why are you a pastor? I know the religious answers people give. Some people can't do anything else, me included. I also have an idea of what I think the "right" answer is. I'll share that later when I get some responses to this post. Answer away.
GREAT question. I'll let it marinate and come up with a good churchy answer. I'll be back . . .