Everything in me wants a pill to fix it all. A once a day tablet for all your woes. Wouldn't that be nice? Especially as a Christ-follower. If you know Jesus, chances are your eyes have been opened to the broken, jacked-up world that we live in. You know that Adam sinned, but Christ fixed it.(Romans 5:18) That's the short version. Where was I...ADHD kicking in there...Oh right! We want a quick fix. That's how I'm wired. I want what I want before I want it. If I don't get it, I quit. This leads to a very frustrating life. No one told me this would be a journey. Countless sermons and it never really hit me that this would be the longest, most difficult thing EVER. But the people that really love Jesus? They talk about Him like they know Him. They can't talk about Him without getting misty or staring off in the distance or rambling on and on about Him. So...I've come to this conclusion.
-Anything worth having is worth working for-
I know...genius right? The only thing worth having, really is Jesus. And even then it's only a part right now. This is the response Christ is prompting me for right now...That I would want Him and need Him enough to lay down my incessant desire for instant gratification and take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me...HEY! I just got that! (Phil. 3:13)
That verse jogged something in my mind... another word for 'take hold of' is translated 'apprehended'(KJV). I think of apprehending as something police do with criminals... like when someone's running away, the good guys apprehend the bad guys. Webster also defined apprehend as seize... to hold or take possession of by force. Amazing that God in all His love has to apprehend me... evidently because I run the other direction... to get away. So that He has to take me by force. I wonder why bad guys continue to run even after they know they're caught and can't escape. That flesh of mine sometimes has trouble accepting God's unconditional love shown to me, so that I can apprehend that same love.