Thursday, November 11, 2010

it's late

It's 1:41 am. I cannot sleep.
My mind runs wild when my wife and kids are not home.
It goes from extreme optimism to depression and back again. I'll attribute that to the lack of sleep and normalcy at the current moment.
can I be honest with you, blogosphere? I am stressed. The stress is of my own doing and the consequence of actions years past.
I cannot see how things will work out. I cannot see past myself at the current moment. It's when I start getting these thoughts out in font that I'm reminded of this one thing. The single greatest piece of advice I've ever might want to write this down. I'll give you a moment to get a pen or something.

Seek Jesus.

It always comes back to this one thing. Seek Jesus. Press hard into knowing Him. Look to Him. Dive headfirst into relational trust with the creator and perfecter of the words "relational" and "trust" I need to eat His flesh and drink His blood. (john654)
I need to stop saying I need anything but Him.

I long to be accepted, but He has already accepted me.
I long to overcome the sin that holds be down, but He has conquered the power of sin and death in my life.
I long to be whole and complete inside, but He has already made me complete in Him.

When I allow sin to creep in or old thought patterns to circulate, I deny the power of Christ in me....the SAME POWER THAT RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD! (romans811) Why should I be stressed? Hey Jon! Why are you stressed? Put your hope in God! He never changes and is forever faithful. Not only that, but the God you serve is the only creator God for whom everything was created and who holds it all together. He's got this. He's got you. Why do you worry about what you eat, drink, or what you're going to wear? Pagans chase after that crap. You? Seek God's kingdom first...Seek Jesus! He will take care of you.

Thanks, Jon, I feel better after our little talk.

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