Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why I'm a pastor...sort of

I'm not a "Pastor" pastor, you know? In the traditional sense of the word. But I lead people. Each week in a few different venues, I stand up and play my guitar, sing songs, and read scripture. I might tell an anecdote or two. Each time I stand up there, my goal is to present Christ honestly so people can respond appropriately. That's what I think about when planning a set list or preparing scripture readings and such. Here's why I do's why I lead worship, why I lead people to Jesus.
Jesus is the best thing EVER.
Not in a cheesy "chili cheese fires are the best ever" kind of way. But a genuine, deep, indescribable BEST thing. Psalm 63 burns in me. I have seen Him. I have tasted and know that His love is better than is unfailing. I get that as much as my feeble mind can. I cannot help it. You NEED to know that Jesus is better than everything. He is Greater than EVERYTHING! A God like this deserves my worship...He deserves more than I can give HIm.
He welcomes the hookers, thieves, and outcasts in with open arms. He uses people who screw up ALL the time. He takes these people and then breaks them to mold them to be more like Him. Ministry is not my occupation. Ministry is God calling me out to tell people this. "Jesus is the best thing" God reached down and grabbed my heart...reconciled me to Himself What else am I supposed to do? Move to LA and become a recording superstar? American Idol? Get rich or die Tryin? what a bunch of crap.

Philippians 3:8
What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ


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